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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cause Smartfren Very Slow
For you who frequently access the Internet with Smartfren surely know, as the operator of this one was better known as a company that often offers a data package to access the internet. Even the ads on television, Smartfren further highlight its data access services and sms than phone service. One thing that characterizes this operator is i Hate Slow, or anti-slow.

Unfortunately, what they turned into a slogan backfired. Since the past few days Smartfren often slow when used to access the Internet. If the condition is rain might still be understandable, because the signal will be less good. But the problem smartfren often slow when used to access the internet on his notaben place in good condition.

After investigation, ultimately causing his slow Smartfren is a surge in user traffic or at a point or area. Moreover, the cause of the largest CDMA service provider in Indonesia less than the maximum is also caused by the transfer of traffic that can not be steeper on a Route. According to the Director Smartfren Merza Fachys, network slow due to the surge in traffic at some point and can not be transferred to another route because of flooding.

As is known, in some areas in Indonesia now is the middle of the great flood. And it is indeed quite disturbing signals, especially heavy rain that kept pouring it somewhat troublesome enough Smartfren company in overcoming its slow their network. Usually traits - traits that slow Smartfren used to access the Internet is a signal that sometimes - sometimes disappear from the status bar signal.

To overcome this, now Smartfren trying several steps in order to strive for their data access network is not slow anymore. But unfortunately, until now there is no sign - a sign of change for the better, even in some areas Smartfren still severely impaired when it is used for accessing the internet.
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